The Paseo Press

The following pages from the 1928 Paseon, heralds in the first edition of The Paseo Press, and reads:

The Paseo Press lasted until 1974. but the last Paseo Press Staff was shown in the 1972 Paseon. Here are pictures of the last Paseo Press reporters.

So how do I look at each Paseo Press? Just follow these instructions. 1. Left click on The Paseo Press of your choice, a new window will open and you will see all of the pages from that day. 2. Left click on any page and a new window opens that reveals that page. 3. On the right of the page is an arrow that, when left clicked, moves you forward one page. And on the left of the page is another arrow that, when left clicked, moves you backward, one page at a time.

Here are copies of The Paseo Press that have survived the test of time:

Volume 14, September 19, 1940 to May 22, 1941

Volume 19 - September 27, 1945 to May 16, 1946

Volume 23 - October 27, 1949 to March 23, 1950

Volume 24 - September 21, 1950 to May 17, 1951

Volume 27 - December 3, 1953

Volume 29 - September 22, 1955 to May 17, 1956

Volume 33 - October 1, 1959 to May 19, 1960

Volume 38 - October 2, 1964 to May 27, 1965

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