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Paseo High School
1926 - 1990
Definition: ALUMNI - those who attended or graduated from an educational institution. If you attended Paseo High School between 1926 and 1990, whether you graduated or not, this Paseo Alliance website is for you.
Check out the Paseo High School Alliance
page for more information about the Alliance and a plea for your help to step up and take a greater role in keeping Paseo High School in the spotlight.
This is a website developed by and for the Paseo High School Alliance. Established in April 2006, and a website that will be updated as needed, this site serves as a central point for the community of former students who attended the original Paseo High School that was opened in 1926 but unfortunately was imploded in 1990.
The site provides notices of quarterly luncheons, a Roster of students that attended Paseo High School, images of all yearbooks that were produced during the years that Paseo High School was alive, and so much more.
Thanks too, for the many countless hours in researching the original website and all that goes into bringing that to life, to Baylor Edwards, Paseo Class of 1955, Trudy Hall, Paseo Class of 1962, Leon Barnes, Paseo Class of 1956, and the original webmaster, Roy Busdiecker, Paseo Class of 1957. What you see on these pages is only because of the work by Baylor, Trudy, Leon and Roy that went before.
Remember Who You Are
Wherever You Go
You Represent
Whether You Want To or Not
And Paseo High School
Do You Know?
There are links to photos from some of our quarterly luncheons on thePhotospage?
We have a list of Paseo High School students by class year, from 1926 to 1990. Check it out here throughthis link.
Which Paseon was inspired by Charles Lindbergh? He is saluted on page 7 of that yearbook. (Answer)
What Paseo alumni served in Vietnam or Korea? How many were casualties or POW? We don't know, but would like to. If you know of a Paseo Alumni who served in Korea and/or Vietnam, please let us know.
What Paseo graduate earned a Medal of Honor for his bravery during the Korean War? To our knowledge, he is the only Paseo alumni to be so honored. (Answer)
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